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Common faults and solutions of DC high voltage generators

AddTime:2020-12-22 17:44:34   Views:     【 Big Mid Small 】   Print   Close

Due to its small size, light weight, beautiful and reliable features, simple operation and complete functions, DC high-voltage generators are widely used in power departments of enterprises such as electric power, mining, metallurgy, and steel. Mainly to conduct DC withstand voltage test on high voltage electrical equipment such as zinc oxide arresters, power cables, transformers, generators, and high voltage switches. As a large-scale electrical equipment, the DC high voltage generator will encounter some common failures during its use. Let me talk about the common failures and solutions of the DC high voltage generator. 1. Turn on the battery switch of the DC high-voltage generator, but the battery indicator and the green light are off? Fault analysis: check the battery fuse, battery cable and battery switch; Solution: If any of them is damaged, please replace it in time. 2. After turning on the battery switch of the DC high voltage generator, the battery indicator flashes green with a buzzer. Fault analysis: A is not grounded; B is grounded unreliable; C uses the generator battery or the battery that passes through the switchgear isolation transformer. Solution: A is grounded; B is to check whether the grounding wire is reliable and re-ground; C if the battery is changed by 1/1 isolation or a spontaneous battery is used on site, the battery must be artificially connected to the ground. 3. After turning on the battery switch of the DC high-voltage generator, the battery indicator is green and the high-voltage indicator is off (the high-voltage cannot be closed). Fault analysis: A voltage regulator is not in the zero position; B overvoltage setting switch is set to zero; C high voltage indicator button light may be damaged. Solution: A. Return the potentiometer to the zero position. B. Set the overvoltage setting switch to the voltage required for this test. C Check the high-voltage indicator light if it is damaged, replace it. 4. DC high voltage generator The indication of the high voltage digital microammeter is always zero during use. Failure analysis: A high-voltage digital microammeter may be damaged, B microammeter output line may be short-circuited, C microammeter output line is not well connected. Solution: A. Return the microammeter to the factory for repair. B Check the microammeter output line. If there is a short circuit, please re-solder. C Check the microammeter output line and the microammeter contact battery switch. If there is any damage, please replace it in time.

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