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Introduction to selection of DC resistance tester

AddTime:2022-01-23 08:52:37   Views:     【 Big Mid Small 】   Print   Close

Transformer DC resistance tester subdivided into 1A, 3A, 5A, 10A, 20A, 40A, 50A, 100A and other specifications, the power supply of the instrument is divided into external power supply AC220V, internal power supply (battery power supply), AC and DC power supply, etc.. At present, the dc resistance tester above 10A type on the market is not battery powered. The user in the selection of transformer DC resistance tester, usually choose how much current dc resistance tester, in fact, is not very clear. In many cases, the choice of DC resistance tester is not reasonable. Transformer DC resistance tester performance requirements and technical indicators and characteristics analysis: 1, current and voltage: in the actual measurement should be based on different subjects to choose different test current, when the selection of current is too small will affect the measurement accuracy. The output voltage determines the speed of measuring transformer dc resistance value 2, measurement range: general power transformer dc resistance value between 100U ω -100 ω, high-power inductance and other equipment measurement range between 100U ω -2k ω 3, measurement accuracy: of course, the higher the better 4, instrument function: single-phase measurement and three-phase measurement, data storage and printing In principle, the larger the transformer capacity, the greater the test current. Generally, 10% of the rated working current of the transformer is selected for dc resistance test. Too much current will cause the temperature of the transformer to rise, resulting in inaccurate resistance test, too little current will not be high test accuracy. Wuhan Xinshengneng specializing in the production of transformer test series test equipment, the production of a variety of products, complete models, cost-effective products, guaranteed service, welcome to call 0312-3188565 consultation!

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