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The smart grid will develop faster if the three shortcomings are addressed

AddTime:2022-01-21 08:49:29   Views:     【 Big Mid Small 】   Print   Close

The importance of electricity to human beings is self-evident, whether daily life or production, almost inseparable from the demand for electricity, based on this as a key carrier of power grid construction has always been concerned. In the past, when infrastructure was not perfect, the general concern was whether the grid was "usable"; But now, as facilities continue to improve, demand continues to upgrade, people focus on the grid "is not good." Whether it is good or not, the specific measurement indicators mainly have such points: one is whether the power grid is stable and lasting; The second is whether the power supply process is accurate and safe; The third is whether the power grid operation energy saving, environmental protection. In recent years, with the emergence of new energy, new users and new scenarios, the challenges and opportunities of power grid operation and power supply have become prominent, and all aspects of demand have undergone important upgrades and changes. In order to realize the good use of power grid, it is necessary to solve problems to meet the needs. So, how to meet the new needs of power grid construction, such as stability, durability, accuracy, security, energy saving and environmental protection? How to boost the new development and upgrade of power grid? There is no doubt that it is necessary to rely on a variety of technologies to build a smart grid, so that the traditional extensive power management to fine transformation, unmanned equipment to replace the traditional human operation, and solve various problems in the traditional power grid. AI and robots have shown their strength before, but now it is 5G. There is much to be done with 5G enabling smart grids Smart grid is familiar to everyone. It specifically refers to the economic, efficient, safe and clean development of power grid operation and management by using various intelligent technologies. The commercial opening of 5G and the development of base station construction and application play a key role in empowering smart grid. If AI, the Internet of things, robots and so on make China's smart grid construction initially effective, then the emergence and empowerment of 5G is expected to further accelerate the maturity of smart grid. With the characteristics of high efficiency, low delay and large capacity, 5G power grid can play a significant value. 5G can be used in power generation, transmission, substation, distribution, power consumption and emergency communications. Under the direct action of 5G, not only power grid transmission can become faster and more stable, power grid fault monitoring and load control can be more accurate, but also electricity consumption information collection and energy measurement and management will be easier and simpler. In addition, 5G can also enhance the intelligent operation and maintenance of power grid by combining with intelligent equipment such as robots and drones. For example, 5G+ robot/UAV can be applied in the field of electric power inspection. By replacing manual inspection, the traditional inspection method can be upgraded and transformed into a safer, more efficient, accurate and low-cost one, which is also of great significance for the rapid development and comprehensive maturity of smart grid. We need to strengthen our weak links in our integrated development However, although 5G has obvious enabling value for smart grid, the current development of 5G is still in its early stage, and there are many limitations and problems of its own, so there are also many obstacles in the integration development of 5G and smart grid. In this context, IF 5G wants to penetrate deeply into the power grid field and promote intelligent development, it still needs to make up its own shortcomings. According to the reporter, the shortcomings of CURRENT 5G and the urgent need to make up are mainly the following three points: The first is the construction of 5G private networks. As we all know, 5G has a high demand for the number of base stations due to its own characteristics. At present, China has built the world's largest 5G network and infrastructure, but the private network construction is still not perfect. 5G power requires special base station facilities to meet the demand. However, it is not easy to build 5G private network due to high technology, high cost and the need to overcome limitations such as terrain environment. The second is 5G application security. After the power is connected to the network, although the management of data and information has brought many benefits to the power operation and maintenance, it also exposes the safety of the power network to danger. Especially after 5G access, the possibility of intrusion and leakage of power grid information and data will greatly increase, which will bring major security risks to power grid operation, maintenance and application and lead to economic losses. Therefore, security precautions should also be strengthened when 5G is introduced. The third is the 5G industry standard. The cooperation is unprecedented for BOTH 5G and the power industry, so it is a problem in terms of standard construction. Developing a standard that applies to both 5G and the power industry is not only a key premise for their integrated development, but also an important guarantee for their future mature development. But at present, as 5G is still in the early stage of development, it is not easy to establish standards, and continuous exploration and trial are still needed. Wuhan Xinshengneng is a professional power testing equipment manufacturer. We pay close attention to the development and trends of power grid related industries. For more information, visit wuhan Xinshengneng's official website: maghribe.com

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