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Introduction to the concept of partial discharge

AddTime:2022-01-20 09:44:54   Views:     【 Big Mid Small 】   Print   Close

Partial discharge refers to the weakness of the internal insulation of electrical equipment, and the local repeated breakdown and extinction of the site under a certain external voltage. This partial discharge occurs in the air gap or bubbles inside one or several insulation, because the electric field intensity is very large in this very small space, its discharge energy is very small, so its existence does not affect the short-term insulation strength of electrical equipment. However, if an electrical equipment exists in the partial discharge field for a long time under the operating voltage, the weak discharge energy and some adverse effects, such as the generation of undesirable compounds, can slowly damage the insulation, accumulate over a long period of time, and finally lead to the breakdown of the entire insulation, the occurrence of sudden accidents of electrical equipment. In other words, an electrical equipment with internal weaknesses, although it has passed the factory and acceptance of the voltage test, but in the long-term operation, may occur in the normal working voltage breakdown, so the manufacturer and operating units are very important to detect the partial discharge inside the insulation of the equipment. IEC and national standards prescribe the methods for detecting partial discharge and the discharge quantity index. When partial discharges occur in the medium, many sites occur. Some belong to electricity, such as the generation of electric pulse, the increase of dielectric loss and electromagnetic radiation; Some of the room is not electrical, such as light, heat, noise, gas pressure changes and chemical changes, these sites can be used to determine the presence of partial discharge. Partial discharge tester is a new instrument for partial discharge test, which has the characteristics of high sensitivity, wide range of applicable samples and high signal-to-noise ratio. Wuhan Xinsheng neng as partial discharge tester manufacturers, has a professional R & D team and strong productivity, welcome to inquire: 0312-3188565!

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